Retrat de Marta Salicrú

Music journalist

Marta Salicrú (Barcelona, 1980) holds a degree in Humanities and Journalism. Having worked in the press, on the radio and as a DJ, she is currently Radio Primavera Sound director. 

She has worked as a music editor at Time Out Barcelona, a contributor to the magazine Rockdelux and the programme iCat FM. She is also half of the DJ duo Bonnie & Clyde.

Articles by Marta Salicrú

Retrat de José Miguel Vizcaya, Chiqui de la Línea © Albert Armengol
Chiqui de la Línea: maestro de ‘cantaores’

Rosalía followed the trail of the teacher and cantaor [flamenco singer] Chiqui de la Línea to the Catalonia School of Music (ESMUC), where El mal querer, her graduate...

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