Retrat de Josep Lambies ©Alfredo Arias

Cultural journalist

Josep Lambies (Barcelona, 1987) is a cultural journalist, film critic and lecturer. He holds a PhD in Communication from Pompeu Fabra University, specialising in Film Studies. For more than ten years he was a member of the editorial team at Time Out magazine, first in Barcelona and then in Madrid, where he was editor-in-chief and director consecutively. 

He has been an editor, scriptwriter and regular contributor to various cultural media outlets. He has coordinated and presented regular sections on television programmes such as Àrtic on Betevé and on radio programmes such as La Tribu on Catalunya Ràdio. He currently dedicates part of his time to academic research and teaches at ESCAC [the Film and Audiovisual School of Catalonia].

Articles by Josep Lambies

Recorregut amb pilotes gegants creat per l’artista Albert Gusi en col·laboració amb el Centre Cívic de Navas i l’Associació de Memòria Històrica del barri. © Albert Gusi
Redesigning the city’s cultural fabric

In 2021, Barcelona City Council adopted a Cultural Rights Plan designed to strengthen social cohesion through the recognition of the right to cultural practices, and to promote...

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