Journalist and writer

Gabi Martínez (Barcelona, 1971) is a journalist and writer. Highlighting the importance of the natural alliance between places, people and animals is at the heart of his work, which has been translated into ten languages.

His work has earned him several awards and accolades, including the non-fiction books Sólo para gigantes [Just for Giants], Un cambio de verdad [A Real Change] and Lagarta [Lizard], and the novels Voy [I’m Leaving] and Las defensas [Defences]. He is director of the Liternatura Festival, founding member of the Caravana Negra association and founding member of the Urban and Territorial Ecology Foundation, and co-director of the Animales invisibles [Invisible Animals] project.

Articles by Gabi Martínez

Il·lustració. © Susana Blasco / Descalza
An uncertain futureAnimals in the city, do I want them there?

Cities cannot just belong to “us”. We need animals. Their presence forces us to sharpen our senses other than hearing...

Views of the antiaircraft batteries of the Turó de la Rovira © Pepe Navarro
Tell me your name

Authors like Marsé and Casavella have given deep thought to the influence of names. For different reasons, both have signed their works with acquired Catalan surnames and have...

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