Retrat d'Isabel Sucunza

Journalist and writer

Isabel Sucunza (Pamplona, 1972) is a journalist and writer.

She moved to Barcelona in the late 1990s, where she started working for the Guía del ocio entertainment guide. Subsequently, she collaborated with BTV (Barcelona Television) and TV3 (Catalan Television) on the literary programmes Saló de lectura and L’hora del lector. In 2012 she published La tienda y la vida [The Shop and Life] (Blackie Books).

Articles by Isabel Sucunza

Un carrer del Raval © Consuelo Bautista
Writing about Barcelona is getting lost in a garden maze

If we take a look back, we may realise that a novel about Barcelona offers two ways of seeing the city. The one put forward by Spanish-language authors is based on a more...

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