Retrat de Mayte Pérez

Civil engineer

Maite Pérez has built her professional career in the field of mobility and transport, both working in private consulting and public institutions.

She has been part of the team at the Institute for Regional and Metropolitan Studies of Barcelona (IERMB) since 2007 and is currently head of the Mobility Department.

Last Update: April, 2019

Articles by Maite Pérez

Il·lustració © Ana Yael Zareceansky. Dues vies de tranvia paral·leles es creuen en una bifurcació en el centre de la imatge. En l'extrem esquerre es veu un tranvia.
Building the metropolisMobility, a complex structural framework

The creation of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area marked a positive yet insufficient change in the governance of metropolitan mobility. We are facing a complex situation in which...

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