Visits and itineraries
Activities aimed at getting to know projects in the field of sustainability explained by the people behind them. They seek to promote the sharing of knowledge while at the same time allowing the establishment of connections between the attendees, whether in terms of territory, organisational theme or type of project.
They can be visits to facilities, organisational headquarters, establishments or itineraries through different locations in the same territory. Always with an interest in how to work on sustainability in all its areas.
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of 1Pròximes sessions

Visita de l’Impactes B+S: Aigua, gestió i ciutat, un repte capital
En el marc dels Impactes B+S d’Aigua visitem el Jardí Fènix. Aquest projecte forma part de la Xarxa i és un hort terapèutic, un jardí comestible culti...
Jardí Fènix. Carrer Dalmases, 76