MINKA is a platform that acts as a participatory citizen observatory on biodiversity data through a website and an app. It is a tool for citizens to create or join projects and events.
A community of people interested in learning about their natural environment is structured around MINKA. Through the platform, anyone can upload photographs, collections of photographs and sounds. MINKA is based on the premise that research infrastructures face many observational challenges, and citizen participation allows for a broadening of the spatial and temporal scope. It is the first citizen observatory to be recognised for its contribution to UNESCO's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically the goals on life underwater and life on land. MINKA will soon be able to include environmental variables such as water temperature and transparency.
Citizen involvement: data collection.
Status: active.
Scope: biodiversity.
Activities within the framework of the Office: Science Festival.
Where to view the data collected: MINKA.