General Call for Subsidies 2022
On 13 December 2021, the Official Bulletin of the Province of Barcelona (BOPB) published the General Call for Grants 2022 to carry out district and city projects, activities and services over the next year. In this edition, the thematic area of Science and Universities (line Y of the call) has a budget allocation of 400,000 euros.
The deadline for submitting applications is from 7 to 27 January 2022, both inclusive. It is important to bear in mind that no application submitted after the deadline will be accepted. Moreover, it is compulsory to submit the application electronically. Likewise, it is essential that the activities for which the subsidy is sought are carried out in the municipality of Barcelona, are not for-profit and take place during the year of the call for applications, or during the 2022-23 school year, if this is specified in the thematic area to which it corresponds.
Line Y - Science and Universities
Projects submitted to Line Y - Science and Universities may do so in one of the following four ways:
Ya) Organisation of congresses and scientific and academic events in the city
The aim of this modality is to subsidise congresses and other scientific and academic events (conferences, seminars, presentations...) that are especially relevant to the city. These activities are mainly aimed at an academic and research public to present or debate new developments and other issues related to research or academic knowledge, although they may also be open to the general public. The projects presented in this modality can receive up to a maximum of 20,000 euros.
Yb) Scientific education, scientific culture and research dissemination
The aim of this modality is to subsidise proposals for innovative projects, actions and/or activities in science education, scientific culture and scientific or research dissemination, which are carried out in public spaces, cultural, scientific and/or educational facilities (taking into account lifelong learning) and that incorporate the values of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Applicant projects may also consist of periodical or one-off publications to promote scientific education, culture and dissemination. The maximum amount of the subsidy is 20,000 euros per project.
Yc) Art and science
Subsidies aimed at projects that value the interrelation between science and art, understanding science in all possible fields, from experimental sciences and technology to social sciences and humanities. The projects must take into account artistic languages in interaction with more scientific and technological languages in order to face, discuss or problematise common challenges of our present day. The maximum amount of the subsidy is 10,000 euros per project.
Yd) Support for research activities on urban challenges in the city
The aim of this modality is to support, by subsidising activities or specific needs, relevant research projects and groups that address, especially from the perspective of applied research, urban challenges that have a significant impact on the metropolis of Barcelona and its citizens. The maximum amount of the grant is 10,000 euros per project.