The Airegem-nos is an educational proposal to raise awareness among students about the importance of air quality. Through a process of scientific research, the aim is to promote awareness of air pollution around educational centres.
- Raising the awareness of the educational community through research with pupils.
- To know the status of the factors that condition the quality of the air in each of the participating schools through diagnosis.
- Promote interest in the implementation of habit changes in the environment closest to the school.
To students in upper primary and secondary education.
The micro-network is structured on the basis of accompaniment and support for teachers, by a specialist, in face-to-face workshops with pupils, using different educational resources and materials, as well as face-to-face training sessions. The fundamental activity is configured as a school diagnosis, shared with teachers and pupils, using appropriate instruments for each educational stage.
Information to be confirmed.
Information to be confirmed.
You can register for the 2024-2025 course using this form. Registration will be open until the day before the first training session.
Training sessions
Primera sessió. Introducció per al professorat
Durant la primera sessió, la persona experta que condueix l’Airegem-nos, introdueix els continguts de la microxarxa i la metodologia de treball durant el curs.
Segona sessió. Avaluació dels resultats
En aquesta última sessió es valoren i comparteixen els resultats de cada centre i s'avalua la Microxarxa per tal de detectar possibles millores.