Llibres exposats a una de les parades de la plaça Reial amb motiu de la diada de Sant Jordi del 2021. © Mònica Moreno
The futures of the book. Where is the publishing market going?

Things are looking promising for the publishing sector right now. The pandemic, which has broadly been catastrophic for the cultural sector, has generated an unexpected recovery for...

Un agent de la Guàrdia Urbana aplaudeix els paradistes del Mercat d’Hostafrancs, que també li estan fent un reconeixement. © Ajuntament de Barcelona / Isaac Planella
How can we deal with a complex emergency?

The health and social emergency triggered by the COVID-19 crisis has represented a major challenge for municipal government administration in Barcelona. The City Council’s experience of...

Núria Guiu durant un moment de l’actuació a l’espectacle Likes al Teatre Lliure. © Ajuntament de Barcelona / Laura Guerrero
The art of dissent: the price of freedom

Today we wonder whether dissent can still be exercised in a culture subsidised and domesticated by the official discourse of institutions. Is it feasible today to think of artistic...

Fabra i Coats: Centre d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona © Eva Parey
A new boost for contemporary art

The circuit of public amenities dedicated to promoting the visual arts in Barcelona has widened and has been given renewed impetus with generational changes in their management. Santa...

© Ajuntament de Barcelona / Martí Petit
The biggest challenge

When the pandemic broke out, the municipal government administration became mindful of the complexity of the emergency and took on a two-fold challenge: keep all services running and...

Retrat de Mónica Rikić © Mariona Gil Sala
“We can decide a lot more things about technology than what we are led to believe”

Mónica Rikić

When we hear the word ‘coder’, a young engineer swaying dangerously close to sociopathy comes to mind, obsessed with becoming the new Mark Zuckerberg. Mónica Rikić (Barcelona, 1986), new...

Vista parcial del litoral de Barcelona. © Vicente Zambrano González
Barcelona Green Deal: Roadmap for the city’s economic recovery

Barcelona is a global city immersed in urban transformation processes linked to economic competitiveness, social equality, environmental sustainability and public health, factors already...

Performance “Speculative Intimacy. Afectes i tecnologia digital”, dins la Biennal de Pensament del 2019. Moment de l'actuació amb una dona estirada al llit comandant un petit dron. © Xavier Torrent
Technological humanism

Barcelona is furnished with the conditions and the talents to become a benchmark for technological humanism. At a time when the European model for the ethics of algorithms, citizens’...

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