The impacts of artificial intelligenceTechnology and humanities: A necessary dialogue

The impact of artificial intelligence is coupled with a growing concern over the ethical, social and...

The impacts of artificial intelligenceControlling artificial intelligence

Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) raise both expectations and misgivings. The advent of ChatGPT shows that this technology is developing faster than society’s capacity to...

The impacts of artificial intelligenceRobots and intelligent systems are revolutionising medicine

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising medicine and healthcare. There are already developments that...

Visitants del Museu Blau mirant un globus terraqüi.
The future of museums. In pursuit of (new) audiences?

Are museums in crisis? Depending on where we stand. Like the society they mirror, these marvellous artefacts of knowledge and enjoyment are constantly evolving. And while a...

©Nitidus Arquitectes, SLP
Catalonia's biggest library, a new driving force of culture

A few months ago, work began on the site next to Estació de França train station where the monumental State Public Library is to be built. Covering 16,000 m2 of usable...

© Dani Codina
Impact of high-skilled migration and digital nomads in Barcelona’s transformation

Major world cities are seeing a sharp rise in highly skilled migrants, in contrast to the previous low-skilled migration. Barcelona is a clear illustration of this trend: the percentage...

Illustration. ©Genie Espinosa
Adolescents under pressureHybrid teens: between presence and virtuality

Today’s reality cannot be interpreted with last century’s codes. All too often, our prejudices make us ignore...

“The artist must re-enchant, because we live in a disenchanted world”

Eugènia Balcells

A multifaceted artist, Eugènia Balcells (Barcelona, 1943) never stops. A pioneer of multimedia art and a member of the Catalan group of conceptual artists, driven by a boundless...

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