Il·lustració © Raquel Marín
Open city. The challenges of the futureUltra rhetoric

Ultra rhetoric is a new reincarnation of sophist rhetoric. It places fake news – a technological version of classic fallacies – at the heart of its communications programme, focused on...

Il·lustració © Raquel Marín
Open city. The challenges of the futureThe end of the (common) world

The Flat Earth theory and other denialist utopias are the radical expression of increasingly widespread indignation at the mental and material decay of the common world. They do not want...

Retrat de Ramon López de Mántaras © Curro Palacios Taberner
“A good artificial intelligence system would anticipate the outbreak of a new pandemic in two or three weeks”

Ramón López de Mántaras

Artificial intelligence (AI), a term coined in the late 1950s, is a common topic when talking about the future of work or the transformation of cities. The application possibilities for...

Retrat d'Alessandro Baricco © MTSlanzi
Alessandro Baricco: The virus and ‘The Game’

The first international conversation about the coronavirus is being held virtually, as it couldn’t be done otherwise. Alessandro Baricco explains that the dynamism of truth is more...

Il·lustració © Laura Borràs Dalmau
The city after the pandemicThe contradictions of an undecided democracy

The reaction that countries have in the wake of the coronavirus crisis will reveal a great deal about the sort of democracy they have. Weak democracies will repeal civil rights and...

Espectacle Afasia de Marcel·lí Antúnez. © Carles Rodríguez
Towards a sustainable culture

The climate emergency declaration in Barcelona is heralding a change in mind-set that will also bring a transformation of culture. The decade we are beginning calls for new voices and...

Retrat de Lídia Heredia © Albert Armengol
“Sometimes I wonder: with so much information, when do we think?”

Lídia Heredia

Each morning, we can start the day listening to Lídia Heredia on her TV3 programme Els matins. Credibility, rigour and professionalism are words that describe her and what she...

El visor d'una càmera de fotografia digital.  © Goroka. Ajuntament de Barcelona.
Stories and cities

Major cities are always accompanied by a story that promotes them in the world. In the culture corner debate we analyse why the crisis endured by the audiovisual sector does not...

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