Retrat de Fina Birulés © Camilla de Maffei
“Barcelona fulfils all the conditions to be the equivalent of Boston in Europe”

Luis Serrano

Few scientists can claim to have published three articles in the same issue of Science Magazine. The biochemist Luis Serrano is one of them. Specialising in synthetic and...

Il·lustració © Sonia Alins
Investments and reforms

A decade after the economic recession became a global financial crisis. Two sectors are an example thereof, namely, research and audiovisual production, which in the years prior to the...

Il·lustració © Sonia Alins
New vulnerabilitiesVulnerable and demodernising futures

The weak post-crisis recovery has left a polarised scenario in its wake, with an evident impoverishment of the middle and working classes. Digitisation will continue to alter the...

Retrat de Fina Birulés © Camilla de Maffei
Knitting spaces of feminist thought

Fina Birulés

Distilling thought involves the strenuous task of condensing sense and syntactic skill. Those who know Fina Birulés know of her tenacious precision in thought and speech, a precision of...

Braç robòtic presentat al 4YFN 2019
Digital cityBarcelona in figures: Industry 4.0

Information and communications technologies are a strategic sector in a city’s economy, not just because of the volume of investment and jobs they generate, but also because of...

Il·lustració d'un pont
Digital cityChallenges and opportunities of the platform economy for cities

The platform economy generates considerable challenges and opportunities. It’s necessary to to distinguish truly collaborative platforms, which must be promoted and protected, from the...

Il·lustració d'una pistola que enlloc de canó per les bales té un objectiu de càmara de vigilància
Digital cityWatched democracies

In most cities there are hardly any spaces left for public cohabitation: by neglecting parks and common areas, by closing cultural spaces, by cutting budgets for extracurricular...

Dada web
How to turn the creative market around block by block

Blockchain fans highlight that we may be witnessing the start of a new infrastructure which will revolutionise the relations between small and large agents, traditional and new, in many...

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