contents 127
DossierThe impacts of artificial intelligence
Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) raise both expectations and misgivings. The advent of ChatGPT shows that this technology is developing faster than society’s capacity to...
The artificial intelligences developed to date are specific to very concrete tasks. However, they do not have...
The polarisation and segregation fuelled by algorithms may end up shaping the city. AI feeds off itself and, as if it were an infinite mirror, it insists on showing us what it...
Artificial intelligence technologies are an expression of who we are. When everything is possible, what do we decide to do? This is a perfect technology for both creation and...
Creative skills can currently be reproduced using deep learning and neural networks, but their true potential...
The impact of artificial intelligence is coupled with a growing concern over the ethical, social and...
Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising medicine and healthcare. There are already developments that...
AI has the potential to help manage complex processes, such as mobility, in city life. Simulators and servers that match people offering their cars with those who need to get...
When artificial intelligence is used in scenarios that impact millions of people, governance challenges and ethical dilemmas arise. How can we be sure that algorithmic decisions...
Other contents
Maruja Torres
Maruja Torres arrives at our interview on foot with the aid (more mental than physical) of a wooden walking stick. She says that walking is good for her, and she counts her steps...
As the well-known song by Raimon goes, “in my country rain doesn’t know how to rain: it either rains too little or it rains too much; if it rains too little, it’s a drought; if...
Few people in the world are as clear about things as the Frenchman Pierre Lemaitre (Paris, 1951). As if he were a Napoleon of literature or a resurrected Dumas, his imagination runs the...
An airport acts as a major gateway to the city or region it serves. Barcelona airport, located in the municipality of El Prat de Llobregat, is a transport hub and a catalyst for...
In recent years, more bookshops have opened than have closed in Barcelona. Ona, Finestres, Byron, Fahrenheit 451, Restory, Nocturama, La Insòlita, ECC Cómics… are just some...
Oriol Broggi
The theatre production company La Perla 29 has celebrated two decades of existence in full swing, with new challenges and great performances. In recent years, Oriol Broggi has...
Festivals have become the ultimate popular spectacle of our times. They have built themselves from scratch in just three decades. In Barcelona, we have gone from a tentative and...
Valentín Roma, Adrià Goula and Susan Sontag all concur on the fact that photography needs objectives, but it is not objective. Survey Barcelona, a family album in which...
The Fundació Joan Brossa – under the baton of Joan M. Minguet and with a large team of collaborators as its orchestra – is presenting the book Altres Brosses. Joan Brossa i...
The exhibition Rere els murs del monestir. Set-cents anys d’una història en femení [Behind the Monastery Walls. Seven Hundred Years of a Female History] allows us to...
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