Art historian

She holds a Degree in Art History and a Master’s Degree in Design and Management of Exhibition Formats. 

Involved in both the management and conceptualisation of cultural projects and exhibitions, she has worked for cultural institutions and public and private museums in the city. She is currently exhibition coordinator at the Museu Picasso in Barcelona.

Articles by Anna Llopis Cardona

Llibre: Altres Brosses. Joan Brossa i la poesia d’acció, el parateatre. Joan Maria Minguet. Fundació Joan Brossa i Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2023.
Brossa, the tightrope walker

The Fundació Joan Brossa – under the baton of Joan M. Minguet and with a large team of collaborators as its orchestra – is presenting the book Altres Brosses. Joan Brossa i...

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