contents 121

DossierNew spiritualties

Il·lustració. © Sandra Rilova
New spiritualtiesNurturing the inner world

Among the major cultural changes that are taking place in contemporary societies is an unexpected phenomenon: the emergence of a new spirituality, often detached from any moral or...

Il·lustració. © Sandra Rilova
New spiritualtiesSpirituality: Beyond fashions

Religion is declining while spirituality is growing. The social sciences had not foreseen this phenomenon but it is reflected in the polls: 48.1% of the adult population identifies as a...

Il·lustració. © Sandra Rilova
New spiritualtiesThe spirit, an emerging intangible element

In the current context of cultural and religious plurality we are witnessing something unexpected: a resurgence of the spiritual dimension. As we mature, so do our images and ideas, and...

Il·lustració. © Sandra Rilova
New spiritualtiesJosep Maria Esquirol’s combative spirituality

Josep Maria Esquirol’s philosophy of proximity is based on the description of the constitutive experiences of the human condition and gives us an anthropological, concrete and...

Il·lustració. © Sandra Rilova
New spiritualtiesWhen a person is at the end of the world, do they disappear?

Beyond the current trend of spirituality, profound issues need to be present in the education of the new generations. The key to spirituality in schools is enabling each child to develop...

Il·lustració. © Sandra Rilova
New spiritualtiesHow spirituality became intertwined with health

While medieval theologies considered body torture as an optimal means for spiritual growth, today contemporary spirituality has progressively incorporated values such as health, well-...

Il·lustració. © Sandra Rilova
New spiritualtiesThe mystical-esoteric nebula: between neoliberalism and self-help culture

Popular culture is overflowing with discourses with religious undercurrents, such as mindfulness or new-age products, which promise to make us more productive, healthier and happier....

Other contents

Retrat de Cesc Gelabert. © Álex Losada
“Dancing is inhabiting the body with emotion and the mind”

Cesc Gelabert

At 68, Cesc Gelabert still dances and boasts the same impeccable figure he had when he began to move on the Barcelona scene in the 1970s. He would have liked to be the shaman of the...

Un agent de la Guàrdia Urbana aplaudeix els paradistes del Mercat d’Hostafrancs, que també li estan fent un reconeixement. © Ajuntament de Barcelona / Isaac Planella
How can we deal with a complex emergency?

The health and social emergency triggered by the COVID-19 crisis has represented a major challenge for municipal government administration in Barcelona. The City Council’s experience of...

© Ajuntament de Barcelona / Martí Petit
The biggest challenge

When the pandemic broke out, the municipal government administration became mindful of the complexity of the emergency and took on a two-fold challenge: keep all services running and...

Obrers de la construcció que treballen en un edifici en obres destinat a habitatge públic al carrer de Viladomat, 142. © Ajuntament de Barcelona / Martí Petit
The housing crisis

Being able to access decent housing is a basic right recognised in both the Spanish Constitution and the Statute of Autonomy. In Barcelona, the historic lack of public housing...

Retrat de Patrick Radden Keefe. © Mariona Gil Sala
Portraying the world before changing it

Patrick Radden Keefe believes in the journalism that tirelessly seeks the truth to dig deeper and make information the first step in transforming the world. In a conversation with Mònica...

Il·lustració. © Sandra Rilova

They had the flat right above the grocery shop. The flat, which is one way of describing it: disarray turned into a dining room, a tiny kitchen, an even teensier bathroom and two...

© Ajuntament de Barcelona / Paola de Grenet
Cultural poverty

There is a major challenge that is at risk of being overshadowed by climate change or gender equality: that of poverty and hunger. We shall discuss green culture or feminist culture,...

Núria Guiu durant un moment de l’actuació a l’espectacle Likes al Teatre Lliure. © Ajuntament de Barcelona / Laura Guerrero
The art of dissent: the price of freedom

Today we wonder whether dissent can still be exercised in a culture subsidised and domesticated by the official discourse of institutions. Is it feasible today to think of artistic...

Retrat de Teresa Cabré. © Álex Losada
“Languages that are in a bell jar do not evolve”

Teresa Cabré

The linguist and philologist Maria Teresa Cabré i Castellví (L’Argentera, 1947) was elected president of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans [IEC, Institute for Catalan Studies] in June 2021...

Fabra i Coats: Centre d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona © Eva Parey
A new boost for contemporary art

The circuit of public amenities dedicated to promoting the visual arts in Barcelona has widened and has been given renewed impetus with generational changes in their management. Santa...

 Antonio Machado a Barcelona (1938-39)
Antonio Machado in Barcelona

Barcelona meant a lot to Antonio Machado, who arrived in the city in April 1938 with some family members. Testimony to those days lie in his numerous contentious articles published in...

Els salaris de la ira.Miquel Puig Raposo (La Campana, 2021)
A former liberal puts the left under the magnifying glass

In his book Els salaris de la ira [Wages of Wrath], Miquel Puig opens the debate on workers’ wages, stagnant for decades. According to his theory, the abundance of workforce has...

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