Il·lustració © Joan Alturo
The generational gapThe policies sought by the new generations

The design of the current welfare state and the social and economic reality facing young people today suggest that their demands will be more of a qualitative (a reorientation of policy...

Un nen gatejant pel terra a l'escola bressol Aurora, al districte de Ciutat Vella. © Clara Soler.
No small child without a quality educational environment

Schooling in the first few years of life has significant benefits for children, caretakers and society. In Barcelona, children under three who need it most, those belonging to vulnerable...

Il·lustració © Joan Alturo
The generational gapPolicies for young people

We are experiencing a generational regression for the first time. The social elevator, which had greatly improved the status of previous generations, has ground to a halt. To date,...

Il·lustració © Joan Alturo
The generational gapYoung women, between inequality and empowerment

Young people are dominating new discourses on gender and challenging much of the discrimination, contempt and violence that older generations had systematised. Feminism is, alongside...

Il·lustració © Joan Alturo
The generational gapThe broken elevator

Something is happening in global society. Citizens today are showing, with social unrest in many parts of the world, a palpable discontent after many years of stability. Economic...

Il·lustració © Sonia Alins
Investments and reforms

A decade after the economic recession became a global financial crisis. Two sectors are an example thereof, namely, research and audiovisual production, which in the years prior to the...

Il·lustració © Sonia Alins
New vulnerabilitiesWhen origin identifies you

Place of birth and social origin are the two variables that most determine the opportunities for young people in Catalonia. Today, Catalan society is a multicultural community with many...

Il·lustració © Sonia Alins
New vulnerabilitiesThe precariousness of the privileged

They are privileged, but they live in precarious circumstances. They are those who do not have job security or economic stability, and rely on their vocation when accepting underpaid...

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