Llibre. Per una educació en llibertat
Education as a tool for transformation

Per una educació en llibertat. Barcelona i l’escola. 1908-1979 [For an Education in Freedom. Barcelona and School. 1908-1979] is a collective work that brings together a legacy...

Vista aèria del Centre de Convencions Internacional de Barcelona i gratacels del tram final de la Diagonal. © Ajuntament de Barcelona /  TAVISA
Barcelona, collective talent to drive an upturn

Barcelona is a city that is resilient, open and permeable to change. It has been so in its 2,000-year history, tackling every crisis with innovation, connectivity and growth. It needs to...

Una exposició a La Virreina. © Vicente Zambrano
Hits and misses. The state of photography in Barcelona

Barcelona’s cultural scene cannot be understood without photography. The link stretches way back and has reached the 21st century with renewed vigour. The city can boast of...

Il·lustració © Raquel Marín
Open city. The challenges of the futureHow can Vox be defined? Five pointers for its interpretation

Vox’s electoral ups and downs indicate that its base is not as solid as it seems. This party, based on a vertical structure, limited ideological theorisation and high social network...

Inauguració de l'espai familiar 'De 0 a 3 anys' a Vil·la Urània, un equipament municipal del districte de Sarrià-Sant Gervasi. © Goroka.
Enrolment of children under three

In Barcelona, only four out of 10 children between infancy and the age of two are enrolled in school. Education at this stage is a mechanism for equalising opportunities that especially...

Llibres: Educar, per a què?, Joan Buades - Devaluación continua, Andreu Navarra
Navarra and Buades: two vital voices in today’s education sector

We sometimes get the impression that in many ways, teaching is not evolving but is adrift, and that we are still far behind. These two books speak with knowledge, with realism and from...

Llibre: Las mejores palabras, Daniel Gamper
The best words

Free speech is society’s right to discuss important matters, because it is only through discussion that the truth can be discovered. In fact, democratic life involves discussing those...

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