Il·lustració © Sonia Alins
New vulnerabilitiesWhen origin identifies you

Place of birth and social origin are the two variables that most determine the opportunities for young people in Catalonia. Today, Catalan society is a multicultural community with many...

Il·lustració © Sonia Alins
New vulnerabilitiesThe precariousness of the privileged

They are privileged, but they live in precarious circumstances. They are those who do not have job security or economic stability, and rely on their vocation when accepting underpaid...

Retrat de Fina Birulés © Camilla de Maffei
Knitting spaces of feminist thought

Fina Birulés

Distilling thought involves the strenuous task of condensing sense and syntactic skill. Those who know Fina Birulés know of her tenacious precision in thought and speech, a precision of...

Un home resa en un oratori islàmic © Eva Parey
Coexistence, yes; mosque…, no?

The opening of an Islamic prayer hall in Carrer del Japó, in the Prosperitat neighbourhood, has been fraught with tension because of the residents’ opposition to this centre. Management...

Il·lustració d'una moto

Often the things we will remember all our lives creep up on us like that, halfway between the murmur of intuition and the yearning of a wish. There was a time when I wished for...

Retrat de Simona Levi © Pere Virgili
Positive passion for changing our reality

Simona Levi, playwright and activist

Digital technology has changed society, but there is still a long way to go. As part of the Xnet action group, Simona Levi works to improve democracy in the digital age and to make...

Retrat de Maria Antònia Canals © Pere Virgili
At school and at work, everyone should be happy

Maria Antònia Canals

The pedagogue, who founded the Ton i Guida school in the Verdum neighbourhood, defends a mathematics useful in life that help mature thinking and that avoid suffering children.

Il·lustració © Lluïsa Jover
Trobada prevista

Cinc minuts de marge. I, si ve, la reconeixeré a primer cop d’ull?, o em costarà saber si és ella i després hauré de dissimular amb un “Sílvia, no has canviat gens”? Les mateixes...


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