Retrat de Laia Pineda Rüegg


The head of the Institut Infància i Adolescència de Barcelona [Barcelona Institute for Children and Adolescents]. She joined as project manager in 2016 to promote initiatives like “BCN 0-17 Observatory”, on the lives and rights of children and adolescents, and “The Children Have Their Say: The Subjective Wellbeing of Children in Barcelona”. 

She previously worked as the project manager for the Jaume Bofill Foundation (until 2015), where she led the Panel on Social Inequalities in Catalonia from 2001 to 2012.

Articles by Laia Pineda Rüegg

Un nen gatejant pel terra a l'escola bressol Aurora, al districte de Ciutat Vella. © Clara Soler.
No small child without a quality educational environment

Schooling in the first few years of life has significant benefits for children, caretakers and society. In Barcelona, children under three who need it most, those belonging to vulnerable...

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