contents 122

DossierThe city of care

Il·lustració. © Margarita Castaño
The city of careThe ethics and economics of care

Increases in life expectancy, changes in reproductive trends and the evolution of the family structure have intensified demand for care here in Catalonia, and a response is required. We...

Il·lustració © Margarita Castaño
The city of careCare and the post-pandemic economy

The two latest crises of capitalism – that of 2008 and the Covid-19 crisis – have highlighted the importance of care and the urgent need to transform the economic system so that not all...

Il·lustració. © Maria Contreras Coll
The city of careThe ethics of care

Everyone has the right to be cared for and everyone has a duty to care. Care has become a basic need that must be covered not just by the family, but also by public policies. The Covid-...

Il·lustració. © Margarita Castaño
The city of careReflections on Care and Social Justice

Care is a relational practice that involves those who give it and those who receive it and includes both the right to be cared for and the right to care. As work on the ethics of care...

Il·lustració. © Margarita Castaño
The city of careReproductive revolution and care crisis

The evolution of the population in the next 15 years is marked by what is called ageing of ageing, which predicts a significant increase in people aged over 100 and a gradual...

Il·lustració. © Margarita Castaño
The city of careWhy our model of care for dependent people needs to change

There are long-standing deficiencies in care for dependent people, and the pandemic has only made them worse. Given the public system’s shortcomings, the most common option is to take on...

Il·lustració. © Margarita Castaño
The city of careCities that care: transforming space to prioritise life

Prioritising the sustainability of life involves providing the material and immaterial conditions that support care. In the urban planning sphere, this means breaking away from the...

Il·lustració. © Margarita Castaño
The city of careFrom the superblock to the Vila Veïna: towards a social city model

The Vila Veïna municipal initiative was created with a view to building environments where care takes place as part of a community, rather than individually. Vila Veïna acts as a step...

Il·lustració. © Margarita Castaño
The city of careThe social economy: a tool for transformation

The social economy is made up of organisations whose economic and business activity puts people and purpose before capital. This system materialises as democratic, transparent,...

Other contents

Retrat de Carme Pinós © Martí Petit
‘Most architects are not the elite or complicit in property speculation’

Carme Pinós

Carme Pinós is a truly trail-blazing architect. In 1991, she founded her own practice in a field where women were the exception, and after countless obstacles and plenty of perseverance...

​El Centre Ideal se submergeix en l’univers de Frida Kahlo aprofitant les arts digitals més trencadores. © Blit Studio
Digital arts in Barcelona: building momentum

Business is booming for audiovisual creation studios in Barcelona now that virtual reality, immersive installations and digital animation are stirring up more and more interest. These...

Taula amb un fonendoscopi i un aparell per mesurar la pressió. © Carlota Serarols
Health beyond Covid-19

Covid-19 has posed a huge challenge for all public health services and has had an unequal impact on the population of Barcelona, depending on age, neighbourhood and socioeconomic status...

Il·lustració. © Margarita Castaño
The Miracle

It was Cosme who told me the flat was a miracle. And that the price was unbelievable, just like the views, because it had a terrace where you could see both the sea and the mountain or a...

Mural amb el text "Revolution on off" al Passeig de la Vall d'Hebrón. © Carlota Serarols
Winning on merit

The pandemic has taken its toll on the cultural sector, especially in areas that require in-person audiences, like theatre and music. Artists have had no choice but to apply for grants...

Llibres exposats a una de les parades de la plaça Reial amb motiu de la diada de Sant Jordi del 2021. © Mònica Moreno
The futures of the book. Where is the publishing market going?

Things are looking promising for the publishing sector right now. The pandemic, which has broadly been catastrophic for the cultural sector, has generated an unexpected recovery for...

Retrat de Clàudia Cedó. © Paula Jaume Sánchez
‘The ones learning the most aren’t the actors with a disability, but rather the audience’

Clàudia Cedó

Clàudia Cedó’s (Banyoles, 1983) relationship with the city of Barcelona can be traced by mapping out the theatres where her plays have been premièred. This playwright, director and...

Cartells de la Mostra de Films de Dones
The history of cinema made by women

The book Un trajecte pels feminismes fílmics [A journey through feminisms in film], by Marta Selva and Anna Solà, marks the 30th anniversary of the Barcelona...

Llibre: Mamut. Eva Baltasar (Club Editor, 2022)
A triptych without a name or a full stop

Mamut completes the trilogy of novels written by Eva Baltasar, following Permagel (Club Editor, 2018, published in English as Permafrost by And Other Stories, 2021) and Boulder...

Retrat de 31 FAM. © Arxiu DELIRICS
The urban music, a generational scream

In recent years, Barcelona and its wider metropolitan area have hosted and witnessed a predominantly young, stylistically evolving movement that has captured generational concerns and...

Dos bustos amb passamontanyes (un vermell i un blau) exposats a la mostra La màscara no menteix al CCCB. © Martí E. Berenguer
A mask is just as human as a face

La màscara no menteix mai [The Mask Never Lies], the exhibition at the CCCB curated by Servando Rocha and Jordi Costa, displays an exhaustive inventory of the...

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