Raquel Martinez Bujan


Raquel Martínez Buján has a PhD in Sociology and teaches Sociology at La Coruña University. As a specialist in migrations and public policy, in recent years she has analysed community as a realm for providing care and mutual support.

Her publications include joint authorship of Cuidado, comunidad y común: Extracciones, apropiaciones y sostenimiento de la vida (Care, community and common: Extractions, appropriations and support of life - Traficantes de Sueños, 2018).

Last Update: March, 2022

Articles by Raquel Martínez Buján

Il·lustració. © Margarita Castaño
The city of careReproductive revolution and care crisis

The evolution of the population in the next 15 years is marked by what is called ageing of ageing, which predicts a significant increase in people aged over 100 and a gradual...

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