contents 114

DossierThe generational gap

Il·lustració © Joan Alturo
The generational gapPolicies for young people

We are experiencing a generational regression for the first time. The social elevator, which had greatly improved the status of previous generations, has ground to a halt. To date,...

Il·lustració © Joan Alturo
The generational gapThe broken elevator

Something is happening in global society. Citizens today are showing, with social unrest in many parts of the world, a palpable discontent after many years of stability. Economic...

Il·lustració © Joan Alturo
The generational gapWhen stability seems utopian

In recent decades, job insecurity has taken root in society and affects younger generations in particular. The delay in gaining access to decent employment postpones all the rites of...

Il·lustració © Joan Alturo
The generational gapThe generational shadow makes its presence felt

Forty years since the transition to democracy, the generational makeup of our society is changing. The children of that era already comprise half of the population and take centre stage...

Il·lustració © Joan Alturo
The generational gapYoung people doing politics differently

It has often been said that young people are not interested in politics. There is evidence that points to the contrary and that shows that interest in politics is not a matter of age....

Il·lustració © Joan Alturo
The generational gapThe policies sought by the new generations

The design of the current welfare state and the social and economic reality facing young people today suggest that their demands will be more of a qualitative (a reorientation of policy...

Il·lustració © Joan Alturo
The generational gapYoung people’s consumption and the climate crisis

Something is changing in young people’s consumption habits. The current economic situation of precariousness and the evidence of the climate crisis have heightened socio-environmental...

Il·lustració © Joan Alturo
The generational gapYoung women, between inequality and empowerment

Young people are dominating new discourses on gender and challenging much of the discrimination, contempt and violence that older generations had systematised. Feminism is, alongside...

Other contents

Retrat de Lídia Heredia © Albert Armengol
“Sometimes I wonder: with so much information, when do we think?”

Lídia Heredia

Each morning, we can start the day listening to Lídia Heredia on her TV3 programme Els matins. Credibility, rigour and professionalism are words that describe her and what she...

El passatge de Madoz l'any 1980, amb el bar Vivancos a l’esquerra, actualment el restaurant Les Quinze Nits. © José Antonio Sancho
The rise, fall and revival of the Plaça Reial

Few places in Barcelona have been as dynamic and as changing, as central and at the same time as hidden, as the Plaça Reial. It started out as a brothel, to later become a convent and,...

Un nen gatejant pel terra a l'escola bressol Aurora, al districte de Ciutat Vella. © Clara Soler.
No small child without a quality educational environment

Schooling in the first few years of life has significant benefits for children, caretakers and society. In Barcelona, children under three who need it most, those belonging to vulnerable...

Inauguració de l'espai familiar 'De 0 a 3 anys' a Vil·la Urània, un equipament municipal del districte de Sarrià-Sant Gervasi. © Goroka.
Enrolment of children under three

In Barcelona, only four out of 10 children between infancy and the age of two are enrolled in school. Education at this stage is a mechanism for equalising opportunities that especially...

Il·lustració © Joan Alturo

If Diamante Trivallo had ever been told that she was going to spend a lifetime in the same job, she’d have been very upset. Luckily she wasn’t told. Diamante has always liked to have the...

Un moment de l’espectacle de dansa i poesia visual #14::SKYLINE_EXTENDED:: creat per Kònic Thtr. © Kònic Thtr
The digital arts, a field open to creation

From the art world, new technologies —and especially present-day digital technologies— have always been a field for research and experimentation, as well as for critique and reflection....

Retrat de Jordi Casanovas © Santiago Sepúlveda
“Playwrights should talk about things that affect them”

Jordi Casanovas

Jordi Casanovas was going to be an inventor, but he was struck by the fever for theatre due to the Argentine authors Rodrigo García and Javier Daulte. One of the most prolific...

Espectacle Afasia de Marcel·lí Antúnez. © Carles Rodríguez
Towards a sustainable culture

The climate emergency declaration in Barcelona is heralding a change in mind-set that will also bring a transformation of culture. The decade we are beginning calls for new voices and...

Exposició: La vaga de la Canadenca, Museu d'Història de Catalunya © Goroka
The eight-hour day, a triumph of the workers’ struggle

Barcelona’s labour mobilisation began in the early 20th century to tackle the living conditions endured by the working class. To mark the centenary of the La Canadenca strike...

Exposició: Gameplay. Cultura del videojoc, DHUB
An exhibition for playing

Set up as a video game, the exhibition Gameplay takes us a journey through the history of video games, understanding how their language works and analysing the impact they have...

Llibre: Las mejores palabras, Daniel Gamper
The best words

Free speech is society’s right to discuss important matters, because it is only through discussion that the truth can be discovered. In fact, democratic life involves discussing those...

Llibre: Gràfica anarquista
The revolution of the ‘nameless’

The images compiled in the book illustrate an imaginary of resistance to war and fascism. The photographs of the proletarian archive are an antidote to the sleepwalking of widespread...

Llibres: Educar, per a què?, Joan Buades - Devaluación continua, Andreu Navarra
Navarra and Buades: two vital voices in today’s education sector

We sometimes get the impression that in many ways, teaching is not evolving but is adrift, and that we are still far behind. These two books speak with knowledge, with realism and from...

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