Retrat de Alba Sabaté

She has published the novels Aniversari [Birthday] (Premi Ciutat d’Olot, 2013) and L’hotel blanc de la platja [The White Hotel on the Beach] (runner-up for the 2016 Prudenci Bertrana Award), among others. In 2020, the publishing house Columna will publish her latest book, Galetes de mel i gingebre [Honey and Ginger Cookies].

She is professor of Catalan Language and Literature at the Institut Salvador Dalí in El Prat de Llobregat.

Articles by Alba Sabaté

Llibres: Educar, per a què?, Joan Buades - Devaluación continua, Andreu Navarra
Navarra and Buades: two vital voices in today’s education sector

We sometimes get the impression that in many ways, teaching is not evolving but is adrift, and that we are still far behind. These two books speak with knowledge, with realism and from...

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