Retrat de Anna Pacheco

Journalist and writer

Anna Pacheco (Barcelona, 1991) is a journalist and writer. Her texts focus on social issues, feminisms and popular culture with a class and gender perspective. 

Her work has appeared in media such as VICEPlayGroundLa MareaPúblico and El País. She currently contributes to radio programmes on Radio Primavera Sound and Cadena Ser. She has participated in the anthology of feminist texts Aquí estamos [Here We Are] (Editorial Akal, 2019) and is the author of Listas, guapas, limpias [Smart, Beautiful, Clean] (Caballo de Troya, 2019), her first work of fiction.

Articles by Anna Pacheco

Il·lustració © Joan Alturo

If Diamante Trivallo had ever been told that she was going to spend a lifetime in the same job, she’d have been very upset. Luckily she wasn’t told. Diamante has always liked to have the...

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