© Àlex Rademakers
“As authors, the only thing we can do is try not to be lazy”

Blanca Llum Vidal

The books by Blanca Llum Vidal (Barcelona, 1986) serve as a natural amalgamation of interests, readings and idiosyncrasies. Her love and relationships, admiration for authors...

Upward view of the skyscrapers in the 22@ district. © Imatges Barcelona / Laura Piqué
Architecture: Serving Society or the Market?

Barcelona holds a rich tradition of hosting major international events that have indelibly shaped its physical, mental and emotional landscapes. The upcoming event, following the...

"Darrere les persianes" © Ajuntament de Barcelona
Lesbian Barcelona in comic strips

The drawing depicts a corner of Avinguda del Paral·lel where two women share a kiss with the Teatre Arnau in the background, imbued with the essence of the title, Darrere les...

© Claudia Frontino
“Every university should have the autonomy to decide where to focus its strategy”

Laia de Nadal

It’s coffee time, and a laid-back atmosphere permeates the Plaça de la Mercè. However, at number 10, there’s a buzz of activity. Laia de Nadal, the rector of Pompeu Fabra...

Randi Williams visited Barcelona to participate in the STEAMConf Barcelona 2024. Among other topics, she discussed how to democratise access to artificial intelligence through education. © Santiago Sepúlveda
You too can be Randi Williams

Randi Williams is a researcher and educator, specialising in robotics. She is also a humanist and a community leader. Her work focuses on integrating ethics into artificial...

Illustration ©Patrícia Cornellana
The metamorphosis of workRethinking the organisation of work

The ongoing technological revolution is reshaping how we work and our relationship with it. Disruptive technological advancements, economic globalisation and new aspirations for...

Aerial view of the port of Barcelona, where the Sant Bertran pier's sheds will soon integrate into the Blue Tech Port business and research hub. © Port de Barcelona
The future of Barcelona’s blue economy

The term “blue economy” goes beyond nautical activities and their associated industry. The concept also encompasses fishing, tourism and hospitality, as well as the movement of...

El Carmel is one of the neighbourhoods where a wastewater study has been carried out, revealing insights into its residents' habits. © Dani Codina
SCOREwater, the insights hidden within the sewers

Wastewater reflects our habits: when we wake up or go to sleep, when we go on holiday, and even the medications we consume. The peaks in water elimination reveal our activities....

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