© Frederic Camallonga
The world leader in audiovisuals also chooses Barcelona. Mike Blackman

Mike Blackman is a cosmopolitan executive, a fine speaker and an even better public relations person. He has brought Integrated Systems Europe (ISE), the world’s largest...

Il·lustració. © Susana Blasco / Descalza
An uncertain futureWho writes the rules of the capitalist game?

The capitalist game is about employing a social resource – the legal system – for private gain. It is played in the service of private actors, but the decisive actors are not the players...

Il·lustració. © Susana Blasco / Descalza
An uncertain futureLess when it was most needed: the energy crisis

In the midst of a changing world made more complicated by climate change, we must abandon the suicidal idea of perpetual growth on a finite planet and start talking about degrowth,...

Il·lustració. © Susana Blasco
An uncertain futureThe future is not set in stone

Crises are occurring one after the other and the turmoil they cause is hitting us harder and harder. People are beginning to realise that the wellbeing we enjoy may be in jeopardy.

Guixetes per recollir comandes fetes a Amazon a l’estació de plaça Catalunya dels Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat. © Dani Codina
Amazon, the super-termite

Fulfillment: America in the Shadow of Amazon is the result of a decade of research by journalist Alec MacGillis on the effects brought about by the...

Barcelona Metròpolis 123 - Bretxes digitals
Digital dividesThe FinTech gap is not a “senior citizen” issue

Senior citizens are among the groups most affected by unequal access to and use of digital financial and banking tools, but they are not the only one. Basic discrimination, poor capacity...

Il·lustració. © Laura Watcher
Digital dividesIt’s not a divide, it’s a chasm

Fulfilling fundamental rights such as employment, training, health and citizen participation calls for access to a high-speed connection and advanced digital skills. Now that...

Retrat de Bruce Katz. © Marc Javierre
Bruce Katz. Networked cities and urban leadership in the face of global challenges

Bruce Katz defines himself as an interdisciplinary urban planner, and is a great advocate of cities’ problem-solving capacity in the face of today’s global challenges. Classified by his...

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