
He holds a Degree in Medicine from the University of Barcelona and has served as the Managing Director of Hospital Sant Joan de Déu in Barcelona since 2003.

 In addition, he is the president of the Fundació Factor Humà and the European Children’s Hospital Organisation (ECHO) and is a board member of the Sant Joan de Déu Research Foundation and the Integralia Foundation. Furthermore, he has been engaged in teaching activities at several business schools and universities.

Last Update: June 4, 2024

Articles by Manel del Castillo

Illustration ©Patricia Cornellana
La metamorfosi del treballEmpreses amb consciència social

Les empreses tenen la missió de contribuir a la transformació social, i una de les vies principals per fer-ho...

Illustration ©Patricia Cornellana
The metamorphosis of workSocially responsible companies

Companies have a mission to contribute to social transformation, and one of the main ways to achieve this is...

Illustration ©Patricia Cornellana
La metamorfosis del trabajoEmpresas con conciencia social

Las empresas tienen la misión de contribuir a la transformación social, y una de las principales vías para...

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