Vista aèria del Centre de Convencions Internacional de Barcelona i gratacels del tram final de la Diagonal. © Ajuntament de Barcelona /  TAVISA
Barcelona, collective talent to drive an upturn

Barcelona is a city that is resilient, open and permeable to change. It has been so in its 2,000-year history, tackling every crisis with innovation, connectivity and growth. It needs to...

Il·lustració © Enrique Flores
Tackling climate emergencyEnvisioning emergent futures for bioregions and their cities

Las urbes son un sistema vivo en sí mismo que depende de otros sistemas vivos que no basan su propósito en servir al ser humano. Desde el diseño, y su relación con la tecnología y la...

Il·lustració © Enrique Flores
Tackling climate emergencyA zero waste society

In Barcelona, in 2019, almost 800,000 tonnes of waste were generated. Awareness of the waste we generate can move us to action. Big cities must pave the way for a zero waste society, and...

Il·lustració © Enrique Flores
Tackling climate emergencyThe Amazon effect: The Seattle lessons

The city of Seattle changed the day Amazon decided to set up shop there. For better and for worse. It changed conventional retailing, logistics, the environment, and social cohesion too...

Il·lustració © Enrique Flores
Tackling climate emergencyTowards the energy transition

Cities occupy only 3% of the Earth’s surface. Notwithstanding this fact, they account for between 60% and 80% of energy consumption and 75% of carbon emissions. It is clear that a change...

Il·lustració © Enrique Flores
Tackling climate emergencyBe part of the solution

The fight against climate change is a colossal challenge that calls for rethinking the entire organisation of the city from top to bottom. It is the whole urban metabolism that needs to...

Llibre: Joan Perucho i les edicions pop. L’aventura de Tàber, Julià Guillamon. Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2020
Joan Perucho, the pop editor

Perucho the pop editor is who is described in Joan Perucho i les edicions pop. L’aventura de Tàber [Joan Perucho and Pop Editions. Tàber’s Adventure]. This book, published by...

El sostre de miralls de la nova estructura que acull i reflecteix les parades dels Encants Vells, ara ubicats a l’Avinguda Meridiana i tocant a la plaça de les Glòries. © Rafael Vargas
Els Encants: The art of the autobiographical found object

Encants i miralls de Barcelona is a dream come true for its authors, the photographer Rafael Vargas and the writer Victoria Bermejo. Rarely, and without planning, can a project...

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