Espectacle inaugural del Festival Grec 2020. © Edu Bayer / Ajuntament de Barcelona
Treading carefully and not looking too far ahead. The post-lockdown future of culture

Cancelling, postponing or rethinking. These are the options Barcelona’s cultural initiatives have had to decide between during the Covid-19 lockdown. Each project has chosen its own path...

Il·lustració © Raquel Marín
Open city. The challenges of the futureImagining the symbiotic city

The COVID-19 crisis has been an anthropological shock, in other words, a dreadful experience for millions of people that will be forever etched on their memories and that will...

Il·lustració © Raquel Marín
Open city. The challenges of the futureTowards collective vows of luxurious poverty

Rather than thinking of the city as a doomed reality, as a certain catastrophic environmentalism does, we can see it as a yet-to-be fulfilled promise that the ecological transition can...

Il·lustració © Raquel Marín
Open city. The challenges of the futureThinking the cities of tomorrow

Times of crisis are also times of danger for democracy. Fear of the future can fuel the temptation to embrace an authoritarian response. What do we need to do to make democracy come out...

Il·lustració © Laura Borràs Dalmau
The city after the pandemicAn opportunity for change

It is not by chance that the pandemic has especially hit big cities like Barcelona. Open to the world, its power of attraction and connectivity have made the city more fragile. We must...

Persones caminant entre les parades de llibres el dia de Sant Jordi del 2018. © Vicente Zambrano
Sant Jordi versus coronavirus. Rescue bookshops and save books

23 April 2020. Like every year, Sant Jordi [St. George] has to slay the dragon, but this year the story has taken a different path and the enemy has mutated into a virus that cannot be...

Il·lustració © Laura Borràs Dalmau
The city after the pandemicAntivirals for the new political times

The coronavirus pandemic, despite the economic impact that many predict, will not generate a widespread crisis of disaffection such as the one triggered by the Great Recession if...

Il·lustració © Laura Borràs Dalmau
The city after the pandemicWhat will the world be like after the crisis?

The coronavirus crisis will not mean the end of globalisation or of European integration, but an incentive to configure them differently. In the wake of crises there are lessons learned...

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