At a time of shortage of work, an individualistic approach that focuses the management of what is public on private interests leads us to compete for existing jobs and to blame...
Xavier Orteu
Director of Insercoop
Director of Insercoop, a social initiative cooperative that works in the realm of job placement and career guidance.
He lectures in the Master’s Degree in Employment and the Labour Market: Intervention and Coaching for Work at the UOC [Open University of Catalonia]. As a researcher, he is a member of the Social Education Research Group (GRES). He is the author of several books: La construcción de itinerarios de inserción laboral [The Construction of Job Placement Itineraries] (Gedisa, 2007), Trabajo y vínculo social [Work and Social Bond] (UOC, 2012) and Desafíos en un mercado laboral en transformación [Challenges in a Changing Labour Market] (UOC, 2017). He regularly contributes to the digital newspaper
Last Update: March, 2021
Articles by Xavier Orteu
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