Retrat de Félix Ortega

General Manager of Barcelona Activa

He holds a Degree in Law from the University of Barcelona and an MBA in Audiovisual Business Management from Ramon Llull University. 

He has been manager of Enterprise, Culture and Innovation at Barcelona City Council, director of Economic Development at El Prat de Llobregat Town Council and manager of the Local Audiovisual Network and COM Ràdio, among others. In the private sector, he was the founder and CEO of RedClash Strategic Networks, a start-up for managing artists and creative organisations.

Articles by Félix Ortega

Vista aèria del Centre de Convencions Internacional de Barcelona i gratacels del tram final de la Diagonal. © Ajuntament de Barcelona /  TAVISA
Barcelona, collective talent to drive an upturn

Barcelona is a city that is resilient, open and permeable to change. It has been so in its 2,000-year history, tackling every crisis with innovation, connectivity and growth. It needs to...

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