Professor of Political Science

Joan Subirats is a Professor of Political Science at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He founded and directed the University’s Institute of Government and Public Policy. He is Deputy Mayor for Culture, Education, Science and Community at Barcelona City Council since 2019. 

He is the author of numerous publications, the most recent of which include El poder de lo próximo. Las virtudes del municipalismo [The Power of Proximity. The Virtues of Municipalism] (Catarata, 2016) and Los bienes comunes. ¿Oportunidad o espejismo? [Commons Goods. Opportunity or Mirage?] (Icaria, 2017).

Articles by Joan Subirats

Enric Juliana, photographed in Madrid. © Anabel Abril
Comprendre Madrid per comprendre la política espanyola?

España, el pacto y la furia (Arpa, 2024), un llibre de poc més de 600 planes, condensa els elements centrals de vint anys de política a Espanya (2004-...

Enric Juliana, photographed in Madrid. © Anabel Abril
Understanding Madrid to grasp Spanish politics

España, el pacto y la furia [Spain, the Pact and the Fury] (Arpa, 2024), a book spanning just over 600 pages, distils the key elements of twenty years...

Enric Juliana, photographed in Madrid. © Anabel Abril
¿Comprender Madrid para comprender la política española?

España, el pacto y la furia (Arpa, 2024), un libro de poco más de 600 páginas, condensa los elementos centrales de veinte años de política en España (2004-2024),...

Open cityOpening up the city, rethinking the city

The change in era we’re currently experiencing is altering many of the values, conceptual schemes and balances upon which post-war Europe was built. The “Ciutat Oberta” (Open City)...

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