Rethinking the organisation of work

Illustration ©Patrícia Cornellana

The ongoing technological revolution is reshaping how we work and our relationship with it. Disruptive technological advancements, economic globalisation and new aspirations for personal fulfilment are driving a profound transformation in work dynamics and labour relations. The proliferation of freelance, precarious and deregulated work models is coupled with a commonly misunderstood concept of entrepreneurship and a new work ethos that values individual autonomy over collective security and solidarity.

Traditional certainties are dissipating. Today, working life is increasingly defined by heightened demands for results and competitiveness, not only in comparison with others but also with oneself. However, achieving objectives does not always hinge solely on the worker’s efforts or control; it often depends on directives made far removed from the workplace. We are moving towards a future where many employees will have to navigate intense, demanding work periods alongside phases of unemployment and isolation. This can lead to increased life uncertainties and emotional strain, potentially jeopardising mental well-being.

This reality explains recent phenomena such as the Great Resignation, where many employees opt to leave their jobs because of the personal toll it takes. They seek healthier work environments. Moreover, it accounts for much of the absenteeism attributed to anxiety or depression and the growing incidence of burnout syndrome. These issues stem from a misalignment between personal needs and expectations and the opportunities for fulfilment offered by current organisational structures. Consequently, there’s a pressing need to rethink work and its impact on individuals, as well as its implications for time management and urban life. Individual well-being is intertwined with organisational health. Therefore, it’s imperative to restore a sense of purpose in work and nurture a corporate culture that, alongside creating shareholder value, prioritises the welfare of workers and society at large.

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