Llibre: Gent de ploma i marabú. Thais Morales i Carme Pollina
“We may not be machos, but we’re too much”

A fascinating transgressive joy pervades the photographs gathered in this exhaustive round-up of the ‘queer’ Barcelona of the early 20th century to today. All the photographs are quite...

Exposició 'Un segle breu: Col·lecció MACBA
Art as a reflection of history

Eric Hobsbawm, the British Marxist historian, coined the expression “a brief century” to refer to the period between the First World War (1914) and the collapse of the Soviet Union (1991...

Un quadre de Charlotte Salomon

Charlotte’s story is the unique story of a girl immersed in a tragic family legacy, a lineage of suicides, a litany of inherited deaths which is abruptly revealed to her in exile...

Dada web
How to turn the creative market around block by block

Blockchain fans highlight that we may be witnessing the start of a new infrastructure which will revolutionise the relations between small and large agents, traditional and new, in many...

Precarious employment and the generation gap in culture

The 2008 crisis was devastating for culture. Cutbacks left many projects without funding and public services had to reduce or freeze hiring. Precarious employment in the sector...

Llibre: Els límits del Quim Porta, de Josep Pedrals
Breaking the sound barrier

Els límits del Quim Porta, a book by Josep Perals, is bound to disturb and hypnotise. The whole book breathes poetry, lyrical sonority, ideas, constant revelation of language,...

Personas alrededor de una parada de libros en la calle
Copyright and freedom of expression in the Internet Age

The European Union has tabled a new directive on copyright to harmonize different aspects of the European digital market. 

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