Llibre: Barcelona: títol provisional. Un viatge literari per la ciutat, Andreu Gomila i Diego Piccininno
Authors who make the city pulsate

Barcelona: títol provisional [Barcelona: Working Title] is a journey through contemporary Barcelona by means of its writers. Andreu Gomila and Diego Piccininno have asked a...

Llibre: El carrer Montcada, Albert García Espuche
500 years of life on Carrer Montcada

In La gent del carrer Montcada [The People of Montcada Street], Albert Garcia Espuche reflects five hundred years of life on one of Barcelona’s most iconic streets. The author...

Espectacle Afasia de Marcel·lí Antúnez. © Carles Rodríguez
Towards a sustainable culture

The climate emergency declaration in Barcelona is heralding a change in mind-set that will also bring a transformation of culture. The decade we are beginning calls for new voices and...

Un moment de l’espectacle de dansa i poesia visual #14::SKYLINE_EXTENDED:: creat per Kònic Thtr. © Kònic Thtr
The digital arts, a field open to creation

From the art world, new technologies —and especially present-day digital technologies— have always been a field for research and experimentation, as well as for critique and reflection....

Exposició: Gameplay. Cultura del videojoc, DHUB
An exhibition for playing

Set up as a video game, the exhibition Gameplay takes us a journey through the history of video games, understanding how their language works and analysing the impact they have...

Exposició: La vaga de la Canadenca, Museu d'Història de Catalunya © Goroka
The eight-hour day, a triumph of the workers’ struggle

Barcelona’s labour mobilisation began in the early 20th century to tackle the living conditions endured by the working class. To mark the centenary of the La Canadenca strike...

Llibre: Gràfica anarquista
The revolution of the ‘nameless’

The images compiled in the book illustrate an imaginary of resistance to war and fascism. The photographs of the proletarian archive are an antidote to the sleepwalking of widespread...

Llibres: Educar, per a què?, Joan Buades - Devaluación continua, Andreu Navarra
Navarra and Buades: two vital voices in today’s education sector

We sometimes get the impression that in many ways, teaching is not evolving but is adrift, and that we are still far behind. These two books speak with knowledge, with realism and from...

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