Retrat de Daniel Venteo

Historian and museologist

Daniel Venteo is the author of a score of books on the contemporary history of Barcelona. ​​He has also curated several exhibitions at the Museu d’Història de Barcelona (Barcelona History Museum) and the Museu d’Història de Catalunya (Museum of the History of Catalonia).

Noteworthy among his works are those dedicated to asserting the documentary heritage preserved in the archives of Barcelona and throughout Catalonia, with projects that include Autobiografia de Barcelona. La història de la ciutat a través dels documents de l’Arxiu Municipal de Barcelona (2013) [Autobiography of Barcelona. The City’s History Through the Documents of the Barcelona Municipal Archives] and Autobiografia de Catalunya. Tresors documentals de la nostra història (2017) [Autobiography of Catalonia. Documentary Treasures of Our History].

Last Update: December, 2020

Articles by Daniel Venteo

El sostre de miralls de la nova estructura que acull i reflecteix les parades dels Encants Vells, ara ubicats a l’Avinguda Meridiana i tocant a la plaça de les Glòries. © Rafael Vargas
Els Encants: The art of the autobiographical found object

Encants i miralls de Barcelona is a dream come true for its authors, the photographer Rafael Vargas and the writer Victoria Bermejo. Rarely, and without planning, can a project...

Voluntaris olímpics en un assaig de la cerimònia d’inauguració dels Jocs de 1992. Foto: AFB
A pulsating, ambivalent Olympic Barcelona

On 1 June 1992, a summer storm rained down on Barcelona and, so too, on the magnetic protagonists of Lluís-Anton Baulenas’s latest novel, Amics per sempre (Friends Forever)....

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