Coinciding with her distinction with the Premi d’Honor de les Lletres Catalanes 2019, Marta Pessarrodona (Terrassa, 1941) has just published Variacions profanes [Profane...
Teresa Costa-Gramunt
Writer and designer
A writer and designer specialised in bookplates, she is the founder of the Associació Catalana d’Exlibristes. She has published around 40 books of essays, stories, poems and prose poetry.
Her prominent books of fiction include L’àngel incorruptible [The Incorruptible Angel], La crisàlide [Chrysalis] and Tot el que perdem [Everything We Lose]. Her books of poems include Llibre d’Unai [Book of Unai], Addicte a la bellesa [Beauty Addict], Anno Domini and Blau de nit a Praga [Blue Night in Prague].
Last Update: July, 2019
Articles by Teresa Costa-Gramunt
Marta Pessarrodona, or love is what remains
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