Il·lustració © Ana Yael Zareceansky. Dues dones a l'interior d'un laberint fet de vegetació. Cadascuna es troba en un punt que no veu a l'altra i cadascuna talla les plantes amb un talla gespa.
Building the metropolisPublic policies against urban segregation

The trend towards the residential segregation of social groups is materialising, to varying degrees, in every town and city, ours too. The matter of socio-spatial inequalities...

Il·lustració © Ana Yael Zareceansky. Una carretera circular tancada com una pista de tren d'un joc infantil. Per l'interior hi passeja un home i un cotxe cap per avall. El tub d'escapament treu fum que alhora sembla que dibuixi un núvol.
Building the metropolisThe ring roads, yesterday and today

From the beginning, the ring roads defined a new urban reality that confirmed Barcelona’s change of scale, its transformation from a city to a ...

Il·lustració d'una fila de persones agafant cada una amb les mans el cap de qui té davant
Digital cityThe ecosystem of knowledge as a common asset

Urban environments are characterised by the opportunities they offer to think of a political culture where shared knowledge assets can be managed jointly by different sized groups with...

Barcelona’s ring roads and some of the major highways connecting with Catalonia’s northern regions come together at the interchange of La Trinitat.
Barcelona, urban borders

There are an infinite number of borders in Barcelona. Social borders, that separate our ways of life and the possibilities they have to offer (the ‘Upper Diagonal’ concept, the Paral·lel...

Open cityA crooked, open, modest city

Judgements that the cité has ‘failed’ to open up are thus Janus-faced: one side of the coin shows angry populist prejudice, but on the other face can appear the self-satisfied...

Open cityOpening up the city, rethinking the city

The change in era we’re currently experiencing is altering many of the values, conceptual schemes and balances upon which post-war Europe was built. The “Ciutat Oberta” (Open City)...

Open cityFlexible Urbanisms

Much of the urban design applied around the world follows the technocratic model of the Athens Charter. This is a homogenous, one-size-fits-all model that provides simple solutions to...

Open cityBuilding Harmonies: Toward a Choral Architect

Although people know what they need and want, yet architecture spins into navel-gazing and drifts farther and farther from the possibility of substantive contribution to the communities...

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