Retrat de Marc Andreu

Journalist and historian

Marc Andreu Acebal (Barcelona, 1973) is a historian and journalist. Director of the Centre for Trade Union Studies and Research (CERES) of Catalonia’s CCOO [Trade Union Confederation of Workers’ Commissions], he is also co-director of the magazine Treball and contributor to the newspaper El País, the digital newspaper Crític and the magazines L’Avenç i Sàpiens. Author of Barris, veïns i democràcia. El moviment ciutadà i la reconstrucció de Barcelona [Neighbourhoods, Residents and Democracy. The Citizen Movement and the Reconstruction of Barcelona] (2015) and Les ciutats invisibles. Viatge a la Catalunya metropolitana [Invisible Cities. Journey to Metropolitan Catalonia] (2016). 

In recent years he has contributed to the collective works La lluita per una educació en llibertat [The Struggle for Education in Freedom] (2021), Harry Walker: lluita obrera, victòria veïnal [Harry Walker: Working-Class Struggle, Community Victory] (2019) and Clase antes que nación. Trabajadores, movimiento obrero y cuestión nacional en la Barcelona metropolitana [Class before Nation. Workers, the Workers’ Movement and the National Question in Metropolitan Barcelona] (2017).

Articles by Marc Andreu Acebal

El periodista Josep Maria Huertas intenta el 1997 travessar el carrer de Lisboa enfangat, al barri de la Clota. © Pepe Encinas
'Cròniques del fang'. When journalists wandered the streets

Through the book Cròniques del fang [Mud Chronicles], Jaume Fabre pays a fitting tribute to the journalist Josep Maria Huertas Claveria and the journalism named after...

Il·lustració © Nicolás Aznárez
Urban violenceBehind Barcelona’s barricades

Does the burning of rubbish bins as a form of protest on the streets of Barcelona correspond to flames of social revolt that evoke the spirit of the Rose of Fire? Or, on the contrary, do...

Llibre: Barcelona pròxima, Andreu Ulied
“Retro-progressivism” and in praise of technocracy

Barcelona pròxima, besides bestowing high praise on technocracy, is an urban planning manual, an intellectual biography, a compendium of urban history, a philosophical essay and a...

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