Vista general de la sortida de Barcelona per la Meridiana, amb el barri de Vallbona a la dreta del pont, i Ciutat Meridiana i Torre Baró a l’esquerra.
Where the city earns all its names

In Linde, a photographic project by Myriam Meloni and Arnau Bach, we see the Barcelona behind the ring roads. The Barcelona of the Rec Comtal irrigation canal and the old Ribes...

Il·lustració © Raquel Marín
Open city. The challenges of the futureTowards collective vows of luxurious poverty

Rather than thinking of the city as a doomed reality, as a certain catastrophic environmentalism does, we can see it as a yet-to-be fulfilled promise that the ecological transition can...

Il·lustració © Raquel Marín
Open city. The challenges of the futureAlternatives to the “plaza dura”. Fostering urban biodiversity and citizen empowerment

In terms of urban design, a “plaza dura” is deemed to be a solution for the urban planning of a public space with a large surface area, generally made of granite or concrete, with hardly...

Il·lustració © Laura Borràs Dalmau
The city after the pandemicAn opportunity for change

It is not by chance that the pandemic has especially hit big cities like Barcelona. Open to the world, its power of attraction and connectivity have made the city more fragile. We must...

Retrat de Ramon López de Mántaras © Curro Palacios Taberner
“A good artificial intelligence system would anticipate the outbreak of a new pandemic in two or three weeks”

Ramón López de Mántaras

Artificial intelligence (AI), a term coined in the late 1950s, is a common topic when talking about the future of work or the transformation of cities. The application possibilities for...

Llibre: El carrer Montcada, Albert García Espuche
500 years of life on Carrer Montcada

In La gent del carrer Montcada [The People of Montcada Street], Albert Garcia Espuche reflects five hundred years of life on one of Barcelona’s most iconic streets. The author...

Il·lustració © Laura Borràs Dalmau
The city after the pandemicUrban planning and architecture for a new normality

It is at times of crisis that today’s deficiencies and challenges become increasingly apparent. Fortunately, future priorities may also come out stronger. The Covid-19 lockdown has made...

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