Rather than thinking of the city as a doomed reality, as a certain catastrophic environmentalism does, we can see it as a yet-to-be fulfilled promise that the ecological transition can...
PhD in Social Anthropology from the Autonomous University of Madrid and Master’s Degree in Public-Oriented Anthropology. Member of the Cross-disciplinary Research Group for Socio-Environmental Transitions and the group driving the manifesto Última Llamada [Last Call].
Activist and founder of the Instituto de Transición Rompe el Círculo [Break the Circle Transition Institute], he has extensive experience in managing projects from social movements. He has participated as a popular environmental educator in the Huerto en la Terraza [Urban Vegetable Garden] project at the Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo in the Community of Madrid.
Last Update: October, 2020
He is the author, among other works, of the books No es una estafa, es una crisis (de civilización) [It Is Not a Scam, It Is a Crisis (of Civilisation)] (Book Enclave, 2015), Rutas sin mapa: horizontes de transición ecosocial [Routes With No Map: Ecosocial Transition Prospects] (Catarata, 2016) and Opción cero: el reverdecimiento forzoso de la Revolución cubana [Zero Option: The Forced Re-greening of the Cuban Revolution] (Catarata, 2017).
Rather than thinking of the city as a doomed reality, as a certain catastrophic environmentalism does, we can see it as a yet-to-be fulfilled promise that the ecological transition can...
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