Obrers de la construcció que treballen en un edifici en obres destinat a habitatge públic al carrer de Viladomat, 142. © Ajuntament de Barcelona / Martí Petit
The housing crisis

Being able to access decent housing is a basic right recognised in both the Spanish Constitution and the Statute of Autonomy. In Barcelona, the historic lack of public housing...

Exposició Urban Nature al CCCB
The cities within the city

The Centre for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona, from its outset, has thought and rethought the city from all kinds of perspectives. In 2021, the CCCB wished to go one step further and...

Performance “Speculative Intimacy. Afectes i tecnologia digital”, dins la Biennal de Pensament del 2019. Moment de l'actuació amb una dona estirada al llit comandant un petit dron. © Xavier Torrent
Technological humanism

Barcelona is furnished with the conditions and the talents to become a benchmark for technological humanism. At a time when the European model for the ethics of algorithms, citizens’...

Il·lustració © Riki Blanco
Towards a new food modelCounterurbanisation

The growth of cities is paving over nature, encroaching on farmland and stoning agriculture. If, as numerous studies show, urbanisation processes are becoming less and less...

Il·lustració © Riki Blanco
Towards a new food modelSitopia: Rethinking Our Lives Through Food

We live in a world shaped by food; a place the author calls sitopia, or ‘food-place’. By valuing food and giving communities control over their land, we could see a totally new...

L'avinguda Meridiana, entre el carrer de Felip II i la plaça de la Tolerància. © Vicente Zambrano González
How we get around

Barcelona tops the list of European cities with the highest car density, 5,844 per km2. Although the traffic is twice that of Madrid and five times that of Berlin or Amsterdam...

Imatge de la proposta Caminar des del centre de b67 Palomeras Arquitectes i Cierto Estudio.
The Eixample is a Process

The Cerdà Plan for Barcelona’s Eixample has witnessed multiple interventions since the outset of its execution. This variability, typical of plans or architectures designed with flexible...

Plaques solars als terrats de Barcelona © Ajuntament de Barcelona / Equip d’audiovisuals
A first step towards energy sovereignty

The public company Barcelona Energia is gaining momentum in the new map of alternative operators with support, competitive rates and energy awareness, although it is still far from...

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