Retrat d'Albert Cuesta


Albert Cuesta i Zaragosí (Barcelona 1960). He studied telecommunications engineering and, since 1980, he has worked as a journalist specialising in consumer electronics and information and communication technologies. He has been an editor and contributor to print media (Avui, La Vanguardia, Binary-Byte, PC World, Revista RACC, Playboy, Hifimania, Sonido 1 and PC Plus), audiovisual media (8tv, COM Ràdio, TV3, VOTV, RAC1, La Xarxa and Flaix FM) and digital media (CanalPDA and elEconomista). 

He is a weekly contributor to the newspaper Ara; he has a daily section on the Catalunya Nit news programme on Catalunya Ràdio, and is head of the Spanish edition of the GSMA’s Mobile World Live news portal and the National 5G Observatory blog of Mobile World Capital and He teaches on the Master’s Degree in Communication Management at the Barcelona School of Management at Pompeu Fabra University.

Articles by Albert Cuesta i Zaragosí

Barcelona Metròpolis 124 - Un futur incert
Digital technologies, the new driving force behind Barcelona’s economy

Thanks to the confirmation in July of the city as the permanent home of the Mobile World Congress, Barcelona is enhancing its appeal as a development hub for the technology...

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