Open cityHow much urban democracy can global capitalism stand?

Three decades of neoliberal deregulation from the wild side of the market have impeded and disfigured opportunities for urban democracy and have seized the city from its people. In spite...

An elderly couple sitting on a bench looking at a pond
Open city‘Ligatios’ and ‘obligatios’: ties in an open city

The space we inhabit, the environment that surrounds us, shapes our behaviour and everything about us: our character, our ethos. That’s what ethics is about. It isn’t just about...

Sant Pau, part of our history and part of our soul

“If the hospital were taken away, it’d change Barcelona’s soul.” The first time I read those words, written by Doctor Josep Cornudella about the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, I...

Building city and citizenship

Barcelona Metròpolis takes on a new era with a new format, a new design and a new digital space. The new Barcelona Metròpolis wants to be a tool for promoting and...

El barri de la Perona
On the gypsy tarmac of La Perona

Esteve Lucerón recovers the last few years of the gypsy Perona, when the neighbourhood had been living amidst conflict and exclusion for quite some time, and does so without prejudices...

Il·lustració © Lapin
El Poblenou, from grey to blue

These days, not even the neighbourhood’s own mother would recognize it. Still, it’s worth saying that the change has been for the better.

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