Retrat de Esteve Miralles


He has published the books of poems Ulls al bosc [Eyes in the Forest] (2019) and Com si tinguessis temps [As If You Had Time] (2014), the narrative diary Retrobar l'ànima [Rekindling the Soul] (2013) and the novel Núvols com [Clouds Like] (2001). 

He lectures in communication and humanities at Ramon Llull University, in Catalan literature at Pompeu Fabra University, and is part of the teaching staff at the Girona Writing Classroom. He has translated Molière, Shakespeare, Camus, Pinter and Blok, among others.

Articles by Esteve Miralles

Llibre: La ciutat interrompuda, Julia Guillamon
Helpless Barcelona

La ciutat interrompuda made its appearance in 2001 with this summary: “From the tortured city of the 1970s to the fun city of postmodernity, to the tourist city. A chronicle of...

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