Abdulrazak Gurnah visited Barcelona to take part in the celebration of the 25th anniversary of reading clubs at the Francesca Bonnemaison Library. © Pere Virgili
Abdulrazak Gurnah. The writer from the forgotten Africa

The writer Abdulrazak Gurnah was catapulted to fame when he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2021. He was little-known prior to earning this prestigious accolade,...

Interior of Atlas Muhba
Two thousand years of Barcelona on the map

The Atles MUHBA d’història de Barcelona [MUHBA Atlas of Barcelona History], published by Barcelona City Council and the Museu d’Història de Barcelona (MUHBA) – an institution...

 © Manuel Medir
“Giving in to technology is making the writer’s craft expendable”

Enrique Vila-Matas

Enrique Vila-Matas (Barcelona, 1949) has created a literary universe of his own. His writing captures and universalises, through subjectivity, the troubled air of his time. This...

© Byung-Chul Han
The political contradictions of contemplative life

All the books by the philosopher Byung-Chul Han call for a return of negativity: instead of excessive transparency, secrecy; instead of an aesthetic of smoothness, roughness;...

The 3D digital space allows visitors to explore each and every one of the construction phases of the monastery grounds. © Reial Monestir de Santa Maria de Pedralbes. 2019
The Monastery of Pedralbes, as never seen before

The exhibition Rere els murs del monestir. Set-cents anys d’una història en femení [Behind the Monastery Walls. Seven Hundred Years of a Female History] allows us to...

Llibre: Survey Barcelona. Una mirada fotogràfica sobre les transformacions de la ciutat, 2015-2023. Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2023.
‘Survey Barcelona’, a family album of the city

Valentín Roma, Adrià Goula and Susan Sontag all concur on the fact that photography needs objectives, but it is not objective. Survey Barcelona, a family album in which...

Retrat de Francesc Serés © Nikolaus Brade
“During the procés we played with fire and we got burned”

Francesc Serés

Francesc Serés connects remotely from Berlin to answer questions from Barcelona Metròpolis. The writer has been living there for a year, shortly after resigning as head...

​Històries de la Model
'Històries de la Model' [Stories of La Model Prison], voices of a century of changes

The documentary comic book by Jordi de Miguel and Susanna Martín explores the history of the Barcelona prison and the experiences of some of its inmates.

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