Journalist and writer

(1964). Specialising in LGBTQ+ culture and co-founder of Rutes lgtbarcelona. Author of the novels Efecto retrovisor [Rearview Effect] (Ellas Editorial, 2005) and Una aparición inesperada [An Unexpected Appearance] (Egales, 2009), as well as essays on lesbian culture including “Pulp” lésbico, el género del deseo [Lesbian Pulp, the Genre of Desire] and La invisibilitat lesbiana en el franquisme [Lesbian Invisibility in Francoism]. 

She has also co-edited, alongside Isabel Franc, the book Desconocidas y fascinantes [Unknown and Fascinating] (Egales, 2017) about lesbian women in history. Her latest publication is Gent de ploma i marabú. Geografia LGTB+ de Barcelona [People of Feather and Marabou. LGTB+ Geography of Barcelona] (Barcelona City Council, 2018), co-authored with journalist and activist Carme Pollina. Morales has contributed to LGBTQ+ media outlets such as the magazines NosotrasDos.DosSales and Zero, as well as the lesbian radio station InOutRadio.

Last Update: June 6, 2024

Articles by Thais Morales

"Darrere les persianes" © Ajuntament de Barcelona
La Barcelona lèsbica en vinyetes

El dibuix d’un racó del Paral·lel on dues dones es fan un petó amb el Teatre Arnau de fons, adobat amb la sal del títol, Darrere les persianes. És la porta d’entrada a...

"Darrere les persianes" © Ajuntament de Barcelona
La Barcelona lésbica en viñetas

El dibujo de un rincón del Paral·lel donde dos mujeres se dan un beso con el Teatre Arnau de fondo, sazonado con la sal del título, Darrere les persianes. Es la puerta de entrada...

"Darrere les persianes" © Ajuntament de Barcelona
Lesbian Barcelona in comic strips

The drawing depicts a corner of Avinguda del Paral·lel where two women share a kiss with the Teatre Arnau in the background, imbued with the essence of the title, Darrere les...

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