Cámeres de fotografia antigues. Objectes a la venda als Encants de Barcelona. © Rafael Vargas
Capturing reality

The collective memory of this city is permeated with thousands of images that reveal the fascination that photography has historically held. But has the love been reciprocated here? In...

Il·lustració © Raquel Marín
Open city. The challenges of the futureThe far right and authoritarian populism, challenges for liberal democracy

The surfacing of far-right or so-called “authoritarian populist” political parties in the United States and in some parts of Europe seems to be contradictory, as they are emerging in so-...

Llibre: Barcelona: títol provisional. Un viatge literari per la ciutat, Andreu Gomila i Diego Piccininno
Authors who make the city pulsate

Barcelona: títol provisional [Barcelona: Working Title] is a journey through contemporary Barcelona by means of its writers. Andreu Gomila and Diego Piccininno have asked a...

Llibre: Barcelona: títol provisional. Un viatge literari per la ciutat, Andreu Gomila i Diego Piccininno
Autores que hacen latir la ciudad

Barcelona: títol provisional es un viaje por la Barcelona contemporánea a través de sus escritores. Andreu Gomila y Diego Piccininno han pedido a una docena de escritores y...

Llibre: El carrer Montcada, Albert García Espuche
500 years of life on Carrer Montcada

In La gent del carrer Montcada [The People of Montcada Street], Albert Garcia Espuche reflects five hundred years of life on one of Barcelona’s most iconic streets. The author...

El passatge de Madoz l'any 1980, amb el bar Vivancos a l’esquerra, actualment el restaurant Les Quinze Nits. © José Antonio Sancho
The rise, fall and revival of the Plaça Reial

Few places in Barcelona have been as dynamic and as changing, as central and at the same time as hidden, as the Plaça Reial. It started out as a brothel, to later become a convent and,...

Llibre: La ciutat interrompuda, Julia Guillamon
A story of its own

The FEMINISMS! exhibition at the CCCB [Centre of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona], curated by Gabriele Schor and Marta Segarra, is a show not to be missed, either by Catalan...

Retrat de Marta Marín-Dòmine © Albert Armengol
“Remembering is an act of loss, of mourning”

Marta Marín-Dòmine

Do we come from where we were born, where we live or where our ancestors came from? These are the questions that Marta Marín-Dòmine explores in Fugir era el més bell que teníem...

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