Illustration ©Mariona Cabassa
Birth rate crisis and family diversityParenting communities: a growing alternative

The vanishing extended family, the complexities of parenting, and the rise of new educational codes are...

Interior of Atlas Muhba
Two thousand years of Barcelona on the map

The Atles MUHBA d’història de Barcelona [MUHBA Atlas of Barcelona History], published by Barcelona City Council and the Museu d’Història de Barcelona (MUHBA) – an institution...

Illustration © Cinta Fosch
The social divides of the housing crisisGuaranteeing housing: a metropolitan challenge

Barcelona has always been a welcoming and appealing city. It is no wonder that its residents state, in poll after poll, that they would like to continue to do so. And their...

Illustration © Cinta Fosch
The social divides of the housing crisisThe Barcelona model in the European context

Cities are emerging as key players in the European challenge of building a human-focussed model for housing....

The social divides of the housing crisisA home for old age: a problem set to grow

The elderly of the future will reach retirement with less accumulated resources and with much more polarised...

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